Sunday, October 31, 2021

How Does the Acupressure Pressure Point Therapy Work?

Pressure point therapy, in general, involves the pressing of specific body points. These body points are scattered all over the body, and are usually found on the fingers, palms, limbs, and knuckles. The pressure point to focus on mainly depends on the illness that a person is feeling. Most of the time, acupressure is done to relieve stress, pain, and promote good health. 

Acupressure is similar to Chinese traditional way of healing, which is acupuncture. It also originated from China about 5,000 years ago. But instead of using needles to treat a particular disease, a certain amount of pressure is applied in its place. 

Here in the U.S., acupressure is used largely for relief and relaxation. But in China, it is used as a form of first aid. It is practiced on people who are suffering from colds, sore muscles, headaches, and even hangovers. 

The acupressure technique is relatively easy to learn. You might need to go to a specialist for the first few treatments. And as you become familiar with the process, you can proceed to doing acupressure to yourself and to others. 

Acupressure touches upon the old Chinese belief of chees, chakras and energies. Acupressure is known to facilitate the flow of the vital energies in the body. The Chinese medicine of long ago believes that when the flow of the body's energy is hindered in any way, sickness will soon follow. 

Acupressure is tasked to release a person's blocked energies. This is also the principle followed by its counterpart, the acupuncture therapy. The acupressure technique entails the stimulation the acupoints. Acupoints are the body's specific points of energy. It is also what is referred to as the energy channels. 

The act of pressing the points firmly is the acupressure technique in itself. As the practitioner does that, the energy of the body begins to flow again toward the parts that are under illness or discomfort. The result is a gradual but effective way of healing. 

Acupressure uses no tools or needles. It is performed with a hand massage and by manually pressing the specific body parts. Scientifically speaking, this method is seen to release endorphins. Endorphins are the natural painkillers present in the body. 

The length of a single acupressure treatment varies greatly from 15 minutes to an hour. It all depends on the wellness or the sickness of the patient. It can be performed either in a sitting or lying position. Some therapist would require patients to be dressed with only a towel, so as to achieve a full-body therapy. 

Each specific point on the body corresponds to a certain illness. Back pain, for example, is addressed by pressing the specific body point located behind the knees. On the other hand, pressing the body point found at the top of your foot relieves migraines. 

Pressure is commonly applied for 3 to 10 seconds. But it could be longer than that in a number of cases. And it can be done repeatedly as needed. Usually the relief is instant. But if the problem still exists, or if its severity level did not go down at the very least, the acupressure therapy is considered not to be effective. It might not be effective for you on that specific day or to your specific ailment. 

The overall impact of the acupressure therapy is absolute relaxation and loosening up. There could be minimal aching of the muscles, but it should not be strong enough to be considered as pain. 

The initially visit to the therapist is three to eight times. After which, you should be able to determine if acupressure proves to be effective for you or not. For stress management, a weekly or a monthly series of treatments are required. 

A lot of people have tried acupressure and are pleased with its results. Even the pains caused by surgical operations and nausea are relieved as well. It is also seen to help other body conditions such as sinusitis, motion sickness, and morning sickness. 

To experience the goodness of an acupressure therapy, the first step is to find a good therapist. Unfortunately though, there is no licensing program for acupressure therapists just yet. Try to get recommendations from friends and family members who had experienced it instead. That's going to be a good start for you. 

If you wanted to ease pain away from your body without the use of medicines and chemicals, acupressure therapy is worth trying. Experience its benefits and see for your self if the natural way of doing things is a better option.

Pressure Point Therapy – Acupressure?

In general, pressure point therapy, involves pressing certain points on the body. They are scattered all across the body. Usually they are found on the knuckles, limbs, palms and fingers. The pressure point that needs to be focused on depends mainly on the type of illness the individual is feeling. Acupressure, a majority of the time, is performed to promote good health and relieve pain and stress. 

Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, the traditional Chinese way of healing. It also originated around 5,000 years ago in China. However, instead of needles being used to treat a specific disease, in its place a specific amount of pressure gets applied. 

Acupressure in the United States is largely used for relaxation and relief. However, in China, it gets used as a kind of first aid. Acupressure is applied on individuals who are suffering with hangovers, headaches, sore muscles and colds. 

It is fairly easy to learn the acupressure technique. For your first few treatments, you may need to visit a specialist. As you get familiar with this process, then you can progress to doing acupressure to others and for yourself. 

Acupressure touches on the ancient Chinese beliefs of energies, chakras and chees. Acupressure is known for facilitating vital energy flow within the body. The ancient Chinese medicine believes that when the body's energy flow is hindered in some way, sickness will follow soon after. 

Acupressure is charged with releasing the blocked energies of an individual. The principle is followed also by acupuncture therapy, acupressure's counterpart. The acupressure technique involves stimulating the acupoints. These are the specific energy points of the body. They are called energy channels as well. 

The acupressure technique is the act that involves firmly pressing the points. While the practitioner does this, the body's energy starts flowing again towards those parts that are experiencing discomfort or illness. The results in a way of healing that is gradual but very effective. 

Acupressure doesn't use any needles or tools. A hand massage is used by pressing specific body parts manually. This method, scientifically speaking, might help to release endorphins from the body. These are natural painkillers that exist inside the body. 

How long an acupressure treatment will last can vary greatly, anywhere from minutes all the way up to an hour. It depends on how sick or well the patient is. It may be done either in a lying or sitting position. Some therapists need patients to dress in just a towel in order to perform full body therapy. 

Every specific body point corresponds to a specific illness. For example, back pain is addressed through pressing that specific body point, which is located behind your knees. Pressing the body point that is on top of the foot, on the other hand, provides relief for migraines. 

Usually pressure is applied for approximately 3 to 10 seconds. However, in many cases, it might be longer than that. If necessary, it can repeatedly be done. The relief is usually instant. However, if the problem exists still, or if the severity level doesn't go down at least, then the acupressure isn't considered to be effective. For you it may not be effective for your specific ailment or on that particular day. 

Acupressure therapy's overall impact is loosening up and absolute relaxation. There might be minimal muscle aching. However, it shouldn't be so strong that it is considered to be pain. 

The initial therapists visits are usually three to eight sessions. After that, it should be possible for you to figure out whether or not acupressure is effective for you. For stress management, it required to have a monthly or weekly series of treatments for best results. 

Many people have given acupressure a try and have been pleased with the results. Even the pains that have been caused by nausea and surgical operations are also relieved. It also helps with other body conditions like morning sickness, motion sickness and sinusitis. 

To experience the best of what acupressure therapy can provide, your first step will be locate a good therapist to go to. However, unfortunately at this point in time there aren't any acupressure licensing programs. Try getting recommendations from family members and friends instead who have experience with acupressure. That should be a great place for you to start finding a good therapist you can go to. 

If you would like to ease the pain from out of your body without having to use any chemicals or medicines, acupressure therapy is something that is worth trying out. Experience the benefits it offers for yourself and see if the better options is doing things the natural way. 

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