Sunday, October 31, 2021

Shiatsu: A Revolutionary Pressure Point Therapy

The Japanese have their respective line of massage and pressure point therapy. If the Chinese have acupuncture, they have shiatsu. The name shiatsu itself originated from the Japanese words shi and atsu, which means finger and pressure respectively. 

In Japan, shiatsu is considered as a hands-on healing method. In the west, more particularly in the U.S. it is the closest equivalent of Chiropractic massages. It follows the ideology of physiology and anatomy. The main body parts used in conducting a shiatsu massage are the fingers, the palms, and the thumbs. Elbows and knees are not used. 

Shiatsu practitioners in Japan need a license to perform the therapy. There, they are called Shiatsupractors. Tokujiro Namikoshi introduced shiatsu to North America. He came from a line of shiatsupractors himself and is properly trained with it. 

In looking for a shiatsu practitioner in America, always check if the ABTA or the American Bodywork Therapy Association duly certifies him. Their office is located in New Jersey, if you need further verification. 

The essence of shiatsu is to diagnose and to heal. With the use of the palms, thumbs, and fingers, the body's irregularities are detected. And once diagnosed, they can be attended to accordingly. 

Now the process of detection, or the implementation of a practitioner's analyzing skills, is the harder part in learning the art of Shiatsu. And that is actually where the training focuses on. 

People who wanted to undergo natural healing through a shiatsu massage do not have to be previously diagnosed of their previous pains or illnesses. Shiatsu is capable of knowing and healing at the same time. And to top it all, shiatsu is also capable of preventing diseases. And needless to say, prevention is always better than cure. 

A single shiatsu session would last for about an hour. The number of sessions you need to undergo for optimal healing is determined by the severity of your illness. For acute problems, 4 to 8 sessions should be good enough. Acute problems include headaches and stress. Chronic conditions like back pain would require longer treatments. 

As with all other treatment procedures, the noting of medical history is always the first step. Practitioners would like to be informed as to what their patient's lifestyles and diets are, to say the very least. This will help them more with every session. 

Shiatsu sessions are always done lying down, fully clothed. The practitioner does the massaging and pressing with you on the mat on the floor. The first touch will be on the abdominal area. It is believed that this is where the body tension originates. 

The same idea of enabling the energy flow through the body is followed. The main objective of the pressing is to facilitate the body's energy to move freely. And when the energy flows nicely, healing is initiated. 

Shiatsu is not your traditional massage. It involves a lot of other techniques, and that includes holding, rotating, and stretching. Kneading and rubbing are also employed. Other types of shiatsu massage involve the use of the feet as well. 

The general effect of a shiatsu massage is very relaxing. But patients may feel rather odd due to the body's reaction to it. You might hear your stomach gurgle or you may suddenly shudder due to tension. Don't worry. These are all normal. 

And people may have varied body reactions after a shiatsu session. Some may feel sleepy while others are invigorated. Feeling exuberant after a session is expected. And that feeling may even last for around a week or two after the treatment. 

A regular shiatsu massage will ensure you of good health and protection from common illnesses. This is most advisable to people who have problems in dealing with their day-to-day stress. Those who feel muscular tensions and aches are most benefited because they can feel relieved outright. 

Although shiatsu is generally good for the body, avoid undergoing treatment if you have any open wounds or rashes. If you are prone to getting clots on the blood or had been operated on recently, do not attend a session. If you do, it would just be a health risk to you. 

In general, people who are pregnant and have abdominal illnesses should not go to a shiatsu session until after they are back in perfect health. Those who are to attend one, on the other hand, are not supposed to eat for at least two hours prior. 

Shiatsu is a good alternative to people who wanted to get rid of stress. If you do not want to take pills and wanted to do it the natural way, try shiatsu. It could be the pressure point therapy you have always been looking for.

Pressure Point Therapy – Shiatsu

The Japanese people have their very own pressure point therapy and line of massage. The Chinese people have their acupuncture, and the people of Japan have their shiatsu. The term shiatsu originates from the Japanese words- shi (meaning finger) and atsu (meaning pressure). 

Shiatsu in Japan is considered to be a form of hands-on healing. In the west, especially in the United States, this is the closest thing there is to Chiropractic massages. It follows anatomy and physiology ideology. The thumbs, palms and fingers are the major body parts that are used when giving a shiatsu massage. Knees and elbows are not used. 

Japanese Shiatsu practitioner are required to be licensed in order to perform this kind of therapy. They are referred to as Shiatsupractors. Shiatsu was introduced to North America by Tokujiro Namikoshi. He came from a shiatsupractors line and was trained properly in the craft. 

When searching for a good shiatsu practitioner in the U.S., be sure to check to see if the person is certified by the American Bodywork Therapy Association (ABTA). In case you need additional verification, the association's office is in New Jersey. 

Shiatu's essence is to heal and to diagnose. Irregularities of the body are detected through the use of the fingers, thumbs and palms. These can be tended to properly once they have been diagnosed. 

The detection process, or implementing the analyzing skills of a practitioner, is the hardest part when it comes to learning Shiatsu. The training actually focuses on this. 

People who would like to have natural healing done by having a shiatsu massage don't need be have been diagnosed previously of earlier illnesses or pains. Shiatsu has the capability of healing and knowledge all at once. In addition, shiatsu is capable also of preventing diseases. Prevention, needless to say, is better than the cure always. 

One shiatsu session lasts for approximately one hour. How many sessions are necessary for optimal healing depends on how severe your illness is. For problems that are acute, having somewhere between 4 to 8 sessions is sufficient. Acute problems include stress and headaches. Chronic conditions such as back pain often require treatments over a longer period of time. 

Just like any other kind of treatment procedure, the first step is always noting one's medical history. Practitioners want to be informed about their patient's diets and lifestyles. This helps them with each session they work on the patient. 

The client is always fully clothed and lying down during a shiatsu session. The pressing and massaging is done by the practitioner with the client on the floor on a mat. The first touch goes to the abdominal area. This is thought to be where the tension in the body starts. 

The idea is to allow energy to flow through the body. The main goal of pressing is facilitating the energy of the body to freely move. Healing is initiated when the energy is flowing nicely. 

Shiatsu isn't a traditional form of massage. Many other kinds of techniques are involved, including stretching, rotating and holding. Rubbing and kneading are used as well. Other kinds of shiatsu massage use the feet also. 

Shiatsu massage provides an overall relaxing effect to the body. Patients, however, might feel a bit strange due to how the body reacts to it. Your stomach might start gurgling or tension could cause sudden shudders. These are normal, however, and you don't need to worry. 

Following a shiatsu session, different people have various body reactions. Some individuals might feel sleepy. Others could feel invigorated. It is expected that you will feel exuberant following a session. This feeling could even last for one to two weeks following treatment. 

Having shiatsu massages on a regular basis can help protect you against common illness and ensure good health. It is highly recommended for individuals having problems with coping with their stress on a daily basis. People who have muscular aches and tension will benefit the most because they can get outright relief. 

Shiatsu in general is good for your body. However, if you have rashes or open wounds, avoid treatment. Don't go to a session if you've had an operation recently or have a tendency for getting blood clots. These situations could pose health risks for you. 

People with abdominal illnesses or who are pregnant, in general shouldn't attend shiatsu sessions until their health has been restored. However, those who do attend sessions shouldn't eat for two hours at least prior to the treatment. 

Shiatsu is a great option for individuals wanting to rid themselves of stress. Try shiatsu if you are wanting to do this the natural way and avoid taking pills. This might be the pressure point therapy you've been searching for all along.

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