Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Power of Self-Massage

How Self-Massage Can Improve Your Well-Being

The Practice of Self Massage 

In ancient times, self-massage was one of the most popular methods of healing various ailments. Together with infusions or mixtures made from herbs with healing powers, self-massage was recommended by doctors to their patients as an effective way to alleviate pains. 

This practice is also used today. There were also several studies that showed beyond any doubt the benefits of self-massage for the overall health, as well as for specific medical conditions. 

It is well-known that the human touch has a very big importance in the development of children. Even adults who don't get their daily fix of human touch are more prone to developing depression than those who benefit from the touch of other persons. 

Self-massage has a broad range of benefits. It improves metabolism, speeds up the digestion process and helps eliminating waste more effectively. It also improves the blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. All these physical effects have their correspondent in psychical ones. The individual will feel more relaxed and even smarter, given the fact that massaging various centers in the body helps improving focus and clears the mind. 

The biggest advantage of self-massage is that it can be practiced virtually anywhere: in the bus, at work, while shopping or while waiting in line for various errands. It can also be performed while watching your favorite TV show. you can do it with or without your clothes on, as long as you find yourself a comfortable position. 

This article covers a basic massage technique for hands, shoulders and feet. You can use it for alleviating various pains in your body, so read carefully and give it a try. 

1. Hands Massage 

As you probably know already, we use our hands a lot each and every day. From cooking to eating, from driving to operating a computer, everything requires us to use the hands. They could benefit from a relaxing massage, so here's what you can do: 

Start by stroking one of your hand with the other one, using gentle, circular moves. If you want, you can use some hand cream for a better feeling. The next step is to squeeze your hand, then move towards each finger and press it gently from the base to the tip. Pull and stretch your fingers one by one, then repeat the procedure with the other hand. 

With your thumb, massage the palm of your hand, following a circular pattern. Work it from the base of the fingers to the wrist, making sure to insist on the joints and tendons. 

2. Feet Massage 

Feet are very important. Ancient Chinese believed that the entire human body with all its organs is represented on the foot. By massaging those zones, your organs will also benefit, thus helping you improve your well-being. 

For an effective self-massage of the feet, you need to rest one of the feet on the opposite leg, then use both your hands to massage your sole with gentle moves up and down, insisting on those areas where you fell tension or pain. 

Toes need a special attention. Take them one by one and rub them slowly with your fingers. When you are done, apply some nourishing cream or lotion on your feet and relax for a while in order to allow the skin to absorb the nutrients and the moisture. 

3. Shoulders Massage 

If you spend a lot of time at your desk every day, you probably know already how painful and tensed your neck and shoulders can become at the end of such a demanding day. You can alleviate neck pains and relieve the tension in your back and in your shoulders by applying a special self-massage during your lunch break or whenever you have a spare moment in your work. 

Start the massage by sitting in the right position at your desk. Mold your palms to the natural curves of your shoulders, then apply gentle strokes as you glide from the back of your neck towards the shoulders, arms and elbows. Repeat the strokes for about 3-4 minutes. 

Grab and pinch the upper part of your shoulders and start to apply gentle squeezing while you more up and down. You can also massage your face, as well as your scalp. 

It's true that a massage therapy applied by a professional can be extremely effective, but it is also true that in the absence of the therapist we can do little things like self-massaging our hands, feet and shoulders in order to improve our well-being and to put ourselves into a more cheerful and relaxed mood. Self-massage is very powerful and besides it is absolutely free and easy to do pretty much everywhere. Take advantage of it and enjoy your days more. It's in your power to feel better, all you need to do for this is to make good use of your hands. 

Self Massage 

In the old days healers made medicine by mincing and dissolving herbs and self-massage was a common practice for maintaining good health and relieving body pains. Self-massage is the easiest form of instant healing. When you unconsciously rub an aching knee or a throbbing head, the pain is relieved through a simple instrument – the hands. 

Until today, this practice has been used all over the world. With a large number of studies on self-massage, there is substantial medical evidence to prove the great value and power of human touch. 

The human touch is so natural that people without it are more likely to become irritable and depressed. Many studies show that children exposed to a family where touch is normal grow up healthier – physically and emotionally – and more capable of withstanding pain than those deprived of touch. 

Self-massage has numerous direct effects on the health of a person. It aids in digestion, relaxes muscles, improves circulation, speeds up the elimination of waste and stimulates the lymph system. Moreover, the psychological benefits of self-massage produce a feeling of relaxation and well being, which cannot be compared to any modern medicine. 

Self-massage can be done anywhere. It can be performed with or without clothes, while watching TV or talking on the phone, as long as you’re in a comfortable position. 

The following simple massage techniques for the hands, feet and shoulders, which you can perform by yourself, can be used to alleviate certain body pains. 

1) Massaging the hands 

The hands are probably the most abused part of the body. Just think about all the daily tasks you perform with holding or clutching actions and other hand movements. The following steps can relieve the tension around your hands. 

First, stroke the back of your left hand, push upward to the wrist and glide it back gently. Squeeze the hand completely and then press it between your palm and fingers. Next, squeeze each of your fingers all over, making circular pressures with your thumb. Hold your finger at the base and gently pull and stretch it. 

Using your thumb, stroke the joints and tendons at the back of your hands. Then, turn your hand over and support it with your fingers. Do a firm, circular pressure with your thumb, working up to the wrist. 

End the massage by stroking the palm of your hand from fingers to wrist. Then repeat the steps for your other hand. When both hands are massaged, apply your favorite hand lotion. 

2) Massaging the Feet 

The average person walks around 115,000 miles in a lifetime. Since the feet hold the entire body weight, it’s no wonder why many people suffer from foot pain. Once you ignore a foot ache, it can lead to back aches, bad posture and fatigue. When you massage your feet daily, not only can it rejuvenate your body, it can also prevent further body pain. 

Massaging your own feet is easy. Sit and rest one foot on the opposite leg. Put one hand on top of the foot and the other under the sole. Stroke it smoothly from the toes to the ankles and slide it back to the toes. Repeat the step. 

Work on each toe by squeezing it firmly and carefully stretch each toe with a mild pull. Put pressure down the sole’s center and lines using one thumb on top of the other. Then, using your fingertips, stroke around the ankles up towards the leg and glide slowly back to the ankles. Work on the other foot and finish the massage by stroking your foot as you did in the first step. 

3) Massaging the Shoulders 

Many people suffer from headaches, stiff necks and aching shoulders after an exhausting day at work. Massaging your shoulders can alleviate these typical pains and allow you to have a good night’s sleep. 

Stroke your left shoulder with your right hand. Mold your right hand to the curves of your shoulders. Start the massage at the base of your skull, down to the neck, shoulders, arm and elbow. Glide back to the neck and repeat the stroking for two to three times. Do the other side. 

Clench your right hand into a fist and pound it gently over your left shoulder. Keep your wrists flexible and repeat the step on the other side. Finish the massage by performing a “hypnotic stroke” with your hands smoothly stroking your face, neck, shoulders and arms. Do this with both sides. 

Although going to a massage therapist can completely rejuvenate your body, time and money can be a disadvantage for some people. With these simple self-massage techniques, you can alleviate any body pain in the comfort of your home while saving hundreds of dollars. The power of self-massage is in your hands; use it.

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