Sunday, October 31, 2021

Things You Need to Know about Getting a Liposuction

Is liposuction the right procedure for you? In 2013, liposuctions replaced breast augmentations as the most popular cosmetic procedure, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reported. Nearly 614,000 liposuctions were performed in the country during the year, an increase of 16 percent on an annual basis. 

The opportunity to sculpt and shape up the body in an attractive way is the characteristic that boosts the popularity of this option. To determine whether you're a good candidate and whether you're going to benefit from the procedure, it's important to keep several facts about liposuctions in mind. 

Who's a Good Candidate? 

This procedure is mostly suitable for individuals that are at approximately 30 percent of their ideal body weight. Firm and elastic skin is also a prerequisite for success. 

Individuals that want to lose some of their fat through a surgical procedure need to be healthy. Anyone having a chronic or a life-threatening condition should refrain from getting a liposuction. Talking to a surgeon about the possibility is the best option for assessing the appropriateness of the procedure. 

Weight Loss 

The biggest question is probably whether a liposuction is conductive of weight loss. 

It's very important to keep in mind that this is not a weight loss procedure. Sculpting and re-shaping of the body is possible this way. Some people may eventually experience weight loss because the procedure could speed up their metabolism. 

Losing some weight before getting a liposuction is the best thing to do. Moderate weight loss will decrease the risks associated to surgery and it will also make the positive outcome of the procedure more pronounced. 

Types of Liposuction 

What many people don't realize is that different procedures can be used to extract fat from the body. 

Tumescent liposuction is the most common and popular among the varieties. Only local anesthesia has to be used while a tube is inserted in the region that is going to be treated. Anesthetic solution is injected at the site, making the extraction of fat pain-free. A vacuum pump will then be used to extract the fat located underneath the skin. 

Laser-assisted liposuction is one of the newest technologies in the field. The energy of the laser is used to essentially turn the fat into a liquid. A cannula is used to draw out the fat from the body. 

Finally, ultrasound can be used to accomplish the same results as the laser energy. This procedure is most commonly used on larger parts of the body where a lot of fat will have to be extracted. 

Does It Hurt 

The final question we'll take a look at focuses on the pain linked to the procedure. Liposuction itself isn't painful because anesthesia is used. Patients, however, will experience pain during their recovery. Prescription medications are used to control the pain in the first few days after the surgery. All of the discomfort will be gone within a couple of weeks. 

These are just some of the common questions about liposuctions. Many others, however, remain to be answered. How much does liposuction cost? How should the right surgeon be chosen? Can the results be lost and is it a good idea to have a lipo prior to having children? The following ebook will answer all of these questions and provide many other essential facts about the procedure. 

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